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If You own Investment Property anywhere in the Country, You may
Benefit from doing an exchange of Property... selling one, and buying
another, without the negative impact of taxation. Often, a person or
persons with investment property are better served to do an exchange
to customize your Estate Plan to Your/ Your families needs.
* Avoid Taxation (both Federal, and usually State)
You could save up to 43% on the sale w/ exchange.
* Rental Properties are often sold in an exchange and
seller then buys other investment property (either
single or multiple) at equal or higher value- to
diversify a portfolio, or give inheritance properties
to children, or foundations.
* Solve the "I have multiple children, but they don't
get along" issue... separate their inheritance prior
to your passing.
Call for a Personal
Visit or Phonecall
to evaluate Your
(702) 533-7953
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